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Zumba Gold with Kim

Zumba Gold With Kim classes are suitable for everyone, whatever your level of fitness. They are easy to follow, and all the moves can be modified so the intensity of your workout is customised to suit you. The playlist is uplifting and the party atmosphere means that you won’t even realise you’re exercising! There are numerous benefits to dance fitness classes, including losing weight, improving physical and mental health and making new friends, so come and join one of the best!

I also offer Strength & Balance sessions (either classes or 1-to-1) for seniors, those with decreasing physical ability and anyone recovering from illness or injury. These gentle, seated sessions use a variety of equipment such balls, bands and light dumbbells to perform a series of exercises designed to improve core strength and stability, which in turn decreases muscle wastage and helps prevent falls.

Areas: East Cambridgeshire

Languages: English

Last Updated: 8th August, 2023

Provider has taken part in the Community Catalysts development programme

Quality recognition and indicator awards

Please be aware that the information below has been supplied by this provider. Small Good Stuff hasn't checked that it is true and accurate so you might want to do this yourself.

Award or recognition:

AFAA Group Fitness Instructor
Level 3 Teacher Training Diploma Stability and Balance

Community Catalysts runs a local development programme in the area where this entrepreneur is operating that offers help, advice and support to local people. As part of this programme, this enterprise/venture has signed up to the Doing It Right Standards. We strongly recommend you do your own checks before purchasing services or support directly. I have been through the Community Catalysts programme in Cambridge - 18/07/2022 Community Catalysts runs a local development programme in the area where this entrepreneur is operating that offers help, advice and support to local people. As part of this programme, this enterprise/venture has signed up to the Doing It Right Standards. We strongly recommend you do your own checks before purchasing services or support directly.